Items listed here are in small quantities, some only singular copies, call or email us before ordering to place an item on hold or to check availability. Quantity discounts can be arranged, also if your interested in an item, make an offer, we're not unreasonable.
Updated June 12th 1999

<<<<<<<< MISC PUNK/PERSONAL >>>>>>>>

Nerd Revolt #1
Alex Pacheco (PETA) interview, he gets asked if he'll light himself on fire for the animals, Rod Coronado, more $1

Foreign Object
Wrestling zine? $0.50

Tail Spins #32
American Sex Devices, Bands, Tons of Reviews, weird shit, tons more $2

FringeWare Review #13
Weird Texas, UFO Millennial Cults, Weird Shit, Book Reviews, Catalog $2

Media Blitz #5
Police Brutality, Thr Dead Kennedys, Corporate Fascists, DOA, Music, Politix, Reviews $0.50

My Views Change Over Time

Personal zine about growing up, capitalism, nucler weapons, veganism, racism and more $0.50

Out Of Order #13
Personal Stuff, Fashion & Beauty, Record Reviews, Grrl Stuff, Traveling Stories and More… $0.50

Incrowd #14 Patriotic Issue
Lower East Side, Visit ot Tennessee, Napalm Death, Elvis vs The Beatles, Funny Letterz, Bike Power, Critical Mass $0.50

Systems Reject #2
Upkeep of the dual party system, Metric System, Education vs. War, Writings, Politix, Opinions $0.50

Psst… #1
Less Than Jake, Fur Farms, FEMA, Homocore, Photos, Comix,etc $0.50

Psst… #2
Sensefiels, Battle of Disarm, The Queers, Warpath, March for Animals, FNB< Gypsies, Boycotts, Poetry, $0.75

Antiapthy #3
Hobocore, punk, politics, sex ands religion, excellent $1

Tall Tales #5: Remarkable Accounts
Personal travel type zine, pretty good if I remember right $0.50

Great comic about punk rock love from Simon Gane (Arnie) $1

Profane Existence
#31 Black Panther Party, 5th St. Squat, Detestation, South America, more $1
#32 Chaos Days, Zapatistas, Squats in Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, Dregs, Degrade $1

<<<<<<<<< DO IT YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>

Hey Get Out Of Our Way
How to critical mass, for bike punx $1

How to Circumvent a Security Alarm in 10 Second or Less
Go for it… $1.50

The Art and Science of Billboard Improvement
Subverting the media, a DIY guide $0.75

The Humanure Handbook
How to make a composting toliet and why $0.75

<<<<<<<<<<<< M I S C >>>>>>>>>>>

Thumbscrews and Rack
A history of torture and torture devices, with illustrations $1

<<<<<<<< MISC POLITICAL >>>>>>>>

Live Wild or Die
Too good, EF!, FNB, pigs, direct action, recipies, tons more $2

Social Unrest #5
Animal Lib, EZLN, FNB, Political Prisoners, Rants, Interviews, More $1

Contrascience #6
Amazing zine, US Prision Boom, Arming The World, Clearcutting America, Cuba, Jury Duty, Woodrow Wilson, huge $2.50

Real War Stories
Awesome Anti Military Comic, Full color! $0.50

The Poor, The Bad, and the Ugly
A magazine for power hungry proletarians $1

Turning The Tide, Journal of Anti-Racist Activism
10/1 Crack the CIA, Police Brutality, ARA, Hawian Soverignty, Catholic Right, more $1
10/2 More CIA, Gernimo is Free, Mumia, Northern Ireland, Jericho 98, Mexican Revolution $1
10/3 Cuba, Congo, Ant-Colonialism, Geronimo, Mumia, JROTC< Pacificaca, more $1
11/4 Anti Abortion Terror, ARA, CIA & Drugs, Caribean Poems, INS Racism $1
12/1 John Brown, Free "Peltier, Cointelpro Attack on Total Liberation Confrence, Anti Gay Murder $1

Fifth Estate #33
Welcome to America, Tao of Anarchy, Chumbawamba, Stop Recycling?, Art of Wandering, Iraq, Unibomber Cops a Plea $1

Thought Bombs #8
Conditioning of children, IL native peoples struggle, Anarchy in the UK, report from Baghdad, Prision Conditions, letters to ARA $1

South Chicago ARA Alert
Intro to ARA, Local issues, Racism and housing, Abolitionism now and then, black soldiers in the civil war, animal rights, student rights, womens rights, citizens for a sane future $1

Blood, Carnage and the Agent Provocateur
The truth about the LA riots and the secret war against LA's minorities $0.75

The Unibombers Manifesto
Although I think Kazinski was a patsy or a plant, "his" manifesto is a good read $1

Raze The Walls! What It Is: Our Ideas, Actions and Plans
About the prison support/abolition group $1

Introduction To The United States: An Autonomist political history
So you don't have time to read Zinn's "Peoples History"? $1

Prison Abolition
Excellent essay $0.50

The Abolition Of Work
Workers of the world, Relax $0.50

Copwatch Handbook
An introduction to citizen monitoring of the police, how to start a copwatch $0.75

How Can One Sell The Air?
Chief Seattle's vision, his writing and that inspired by him $0.50

Love and Rage
8/1 Prison issue, US and abroad, $1


Interview with Father Patrick Moloney
Interview with framed suspect in the IRA's $7 million heist $0.75

The Diary Of Bobby Sands
His struggle and that of the other IRA hunger strikers $1

Why The People's War in Peru is Justified and Why it is the Road to Liberation

Free Trade Monopoly and NAFTA
In english and spanish $0.50

I Ask That a Small Part of Your Heart be Zapitista
Info on the EZLN and the current Mexican revolution $0.75

Racism and Antiracism in Brazil
Interesting Read $0.50

The Truth of US Domination over Mexico
History and nature or the US's colonialism and it's impact $1

Paris: May 1968
Eyewitness account of the uprising and "night of the barricades" inspiring! $1.50

<<<<<<<<< BLACK POWER >>>>>>>>>

A Brief History of the New African Prison Struggle
By political prisoner, Sundiat Acoli $1

The Black Panther International News Service
Paper of the New BPP $1

Voice of the Oppressed
Genocide USA by Lorenzo L. Stone-Bey $1

Wages of Cointelpro: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Heavily researched and appendixed, with loads of footnotes $1

I Cry Freedom: Writings by Khalfani X Khaldun
More political prisoner writings, extensive 80 pages $1.50

The Genius of Huey P. Newton
Collection of Huey's writings $1

Message To The Black Movement
A political statement from the Black Liberation Army $1

Essays From The Minister Of Defense
By Huey P. Newton $1

Lest We Forget By Safiya A. Bukhari
Info on slain members of the Black Panther Party $1

On The Ideology Of The Black Panther Party
By Eldridge Cleaver, Minister of Information of the BPP $1

In Memory of Comrade George
Speech inspired by George Jackson, pictures and quotes $0.50

20 Years On The MOVE
Booklet on the vicious attacks on the MOVE organization and the bombing of their home $2

Resource Book On The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Info on Mumia and writings of his own; covers his case, his panther years, MOVE 9, corruption in Philly, Resources, fundraising info, fact sheets and more, only three left $2

<<<<<<<<<< G R R R R L >>>>>>>>>>

Take Back Your Life
A Wimmins Guide To Alternative Health Care $1

Screams From The Inside #7
The Punk Girl iss, Interviews with wimmin in the scene, Chris Boarts, Jen Angel, Fly, Adrianne Spitboy $1

Wild Honey Pie #9 Letters, Personal Writing, Bratmobile Interview, Riot Grrl, Cereal reviews, Politix $0.75

Girls only spaces, Philly, Art, Poetry, Personal, Traveling, Nature, People Watching $0.75

Anarcha-Femminism: An Introduction
Collected Essays on the topic $0.75

<<<<<<<<<< ANARCHIST >>>>>>>>>

The Italian Glass Blowers Takeover of 1910
Syndicalism in action $0.75

Memories Of A Makhnovist Partisan
Anarchism in Russia $0.75

Anarchism: What it really Stands For
By Emma Goldman $0.75

Anarchism & American Traditions
By Voltairine de Cleyre $0.75

Personal Recollections Of The Anarchist Past
Anarchist history 1883-1939 $0.75

Fighting To Win
A history of an anarchist amongst a thousand others $0.75

The Spirit of Revolt and On Order
Two classic anarchist texts from Peter Kropotkin $0.75

Basic Bakunin
An outline of Bakunin's anarchis ideas $0.75

Power and Authority
Anarchist classic from Michael Bakunin $0.75

The General Strike
Classic IWW text from 1933, just as relative today as it was then $1.50

Marriage and Love by Emma Goldman
Classic anarcho-riot grrl essay on the bondage of holy matrinony $0.50

Revolutionary government by Peter Kropotkin
Classic anarchist text only $0.50

<<<<<<<<< ANIMAL RIGHTS >>>>>>>>

AS Long As There Are Slaughterhouses… Then There Shall Be Battelfields
Direct action of animals $1

The Final Nail
Destroying the fur industry, a guided tour $1

The Power is Ours
A manual for saving the earth and the animals $1

Spectacular Times: Animals
Specisism and the war on animals, solid $0.75

Happy, Caring, healthy and Sharing
A book for young green vegans $0.75

Dressed in Black
ALF, Animal Rights, Direct Action, Etc. $1

