<<<<<<<< MISC PUNK/PERSONAL >>>>>>>>
Nerd Revolt #1
Alex Pacheco (PETA) interview, he gets asked if he'll light himself on fire
for the animals, Rod Coronado, more $1
Foreign Object
Wrestling zine? $0.50
Tail Spins #32
American Sex Devices, Bands, Tons of Reviews, weird shit, tons more $2
FringeWare Review #13
Weird Texas, UFO Millennial Cults, Weird Shit, Book Reviews, Catalog $2
Media Blitz #5
Police Brutality, Thr Dead Kennedys, Corporate Fascists, DOA, Music, Politix,
Reviews $0.50
My Views Change Over Time
Personal zine about growing up, capitalism, nucler weapons, veganism, racism
and more $0.50
Out Of Order #13
Personal Stuff, Fashion & Beauty, Record Reviews, Grrl Stuff, Traveling Stories
and More… $0.50
Incrowd #14 Patriotic Issue
Lower East Side, Visit ot Tennessee, Napalm Death, Elvis vs The Beatles, Funny
Letterz, Bike Power, Critical Mass $0.50
Systems Reject #2
Upkeep of the dual party system, Metric System, Education vs. War, Writings,
Politix, Opinions $0.50
Psst… #1
Less Than Jake, Fur Farms, FEMA, Homocore, Photos, Comix,etc $0.50
Psst… #2
Sensefiels, Battle of Disarm, The Queers, Warpath, March for Animals, FNB< Gypsies,
Boycotts, Poetry, $0.75
Antiapthy #3
Hobocore, punk, politics, sex ands religion, excellent $1
Tall Tales #5: Remarkable Accounts
Personal travel type zine, pretty good if I remember right $0.50
Great comic about punk rock love from Simon Gane (Arnie) $1
Profane Existence
#31 Black Panther Party, 5th St. Squat, Detestation, South America, more $1
#32 Chaos Days, Zapatistas, Squats in Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, Dregs, Degrade
<<<<<<<<< DO IT YOURSELF >>>>>>>>>>
Hey Get Out Of Our Way
How to critical mass, for bike punx $1
How to Circumvent a Security Alarm in 10 Second or Less
Go for it… $1.50
The Art and Science of Billboard Improvement
Subverting the media, a DIY guide $0.75
The Humanure Handbook
How to make a composting toliet and why $0.75
<<<<<<<<<<<< M I S C >>>>>>>>>>>
Thumbscrews and Rack
A history of torture and torture devices, with illustrations $1
<<<<<<<< MISC POLITICAL >>>>>>>>
Live Wild or Die
Too good, EF!, FNB, pigs, direct action, recipies, tons more $2
Social Unrest #5
Animal Lib, EZLN, FNB, Political Prisoners, Rants, Interviews, More $1
Contrascience #6
Amazing zine, US Prision Boom, Arming The World, Clearcutting America, Cuba,
Jury Duty, Woodrow Wilson, huge $2.50
Real War Stories
Awesome Anti Military Comic, Full color! $0.50
The Poor, The Bad, and the Ugly
A magazine for power hungry proletarians $1
Turning The Tide, Journal of Anti-Racist Activism
10/1 Crack the CIA, Police Brutality, ARA, Hawian Soverignty, Catholic Right,
more $1
10/2 More CIA, Gernimo is Free, Mumia, Northern Ireland, Jericho 98, Mexican
Revolution $1
10/3 Cuba, Congo, Ant-Colonialism, Geronimo, Mumia, JROTC< Pacificaca, more
11/4 Anti Abortion Terror, ARA, CIA & Drugs, Caribean Poems, INS Racism $1
12/1 John Brown, Free "Peltier, Cointelpro Attack on Total Liberation Confrence,
Anti Gay Murder $1
Fifth Estate #33
Welcome to America, Tao of Anarchy, Chumbawamba, Stop Recycling?, Art of Wandering,
Iraq, Unibomber Cops a Plea $1
Thought Bombs #8
Conditioning of children, IL native peoples struggle, Anarchy in the UK, report
from Baghdad, Prision Conditions, letters to ARA $1
South Chicago ARA Alert
Intro to ARA, Local issues, Racism and housing, Abolitionism now and then, black
soldiers in the civil war, animal rights, student rights, womens rights, citizens
for a sane future $1
Blood, Carnage and the Agent Provocateur
The truth about the LA riots and the secret war against LA's minorities $0.75
The Unibombers Manifesto
Although I think Kazinski was a patsy or a plant, "his" manifesto is a good
read $1
Raze The Walls! What It Is: Our Ideas, Actions and Plans
About the prison support/abolition group $1
Introduction To The United States: An Autonomist political history
So you don't have time to read Zinn's "Peoples History"? $1
Prison Abolition
Excellent essay $0.50
The Abolition Of Work
Workers of the world, Relax $0.50
Copwatch Handbook
An introduction to citizen monitoring of the police, how to start a copwatch
How Can One Sell The Air?
Chief Seattle's vision, his writing and that inspired by him $0.50
Love and Rage
8/1 Prison issue, US and abroad, $1
Interview with Father Patrick Moloney
Interview with framed suspect in the IRA's $7 million heist $0.75
The Diary Of Bobby Sands
His struggle and that of the other IRA hunger strikers $1
Why The People's War in Peru is Justified and Why it is the Road to Liberation
Free Trade Monopoly and NAFTA
In english and spanish $0.50
I Ask That a Small Part of Your Heart be Zapitista
Info on the EZLN and the current Mexican revolution $0.75
Racism and Antiracism in Brazil
Interesting Read $0.50
The Truth of US Domination over Mexico
History and nature or the US's colonialism and it's impact $1
Paris: May 1968
Eyewitness account of the uprising and "night of the barricades" inspiring!
<<<<<<<<< BLACK POWER >>>>>>>>>
A Brief History of the New African Prison Struggle
By political prisoner, Sundiat Acoli $1
The Black Panther International News Service
Paper of the New BPP $1
Voice of the Oppressed
Genocide USA by Lorenzo L. Stone-Bey $1
Wages of Cointelpro: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Heavily researched and appendixed, with loads of footnotes $1
I Cry Freedom: Writings by Khalfani X Khaldun
More political prisoner writings, extensive 80 pages $1.50
The Genius of Huey P. Newton
Collection of Huey's writings $1
Message To The Black Movement
A political statement from the Black Liberation Army $1
Essays From The Minister Of Defense
By Huey P. Newton $1
Lest We Forget By Safiya A. Bukhari
Info on slain members of the Black Panther Party $1
On The Ideology Of The Black Panther Party
By Eldridge Cleaver, Minister of Information of the BPP $1
In Memory of Comrade George
Speech inspired by George Jackson, pictures and quotes $0.50
20 Years On The MOVE
Booklet on the vicious attacks on the MOVE organization and the bombing of their
home $2
Resource Book On The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Info on Mumia and writings of his own; covers his case, his panther years, MOVE
9, corruption in Philly, Resources, fundraising info, fact sheets and more,
only three left $2
<<<<<<<<<< G R R R R L >>>>>>>>>>
Take Back Your Life
A Wimmins Guide To Alternative Health Care $1
Screams From The Inside #7
The Punk Girl iss, Interviews with wimmin in the scene, Chris Boarts, Jen Angel,
Fly, Adrianne Spitboy $1
Wild Honey Pie #9 Letters, Personal Writing, Bratmobile Interview, Riot Grrl,
Cereal reviews, Politix $0.75
Girls only spaces, Philly, Art, Poetry, Personal, Traveling, Nature, People
Watching $0.75
Anarcha-Femminism: An Introduction
Collected Essays on the topic $0.75
<<<<<<<<<< ANARCHIST >>>>>>>>>
The Italian Glass Blowers Takeover of 1910
Syndicalism in action $0.75
Memories Of A Makhnovist Partisan
Anarchism in Russia $0.75
Anarchism: What it really Stands For
By Emma Goldman $0.75
Anarchism & American Traditions
By Voltairine de Cleyre $0.75
Personal Recollections Of The Anarchist Past
Anarchist history 1883-1939 $0.75
Fighting To Win
A history of an anarchist amongst a thousand others $0.75
The Spirit of Revolt and On Order
Two classic anarchist texts from Peter Kropotkin $0.75
Basic Bakunin
An outline of Bakunin's anarchis ideas $0.75
Power and Authority
Anarchist classic from Michael Bakunin $0.75
The General Strike
Classic IWW text from 1933, just as relative today as it was then $1.50
Marriage and Love by Emma Goldman
Classic anarcho-riot grrl essay on the bondage of holy matrinony $0.50
Revolutionary government by Peter Kropotkin
Classic anarchist text only $0.50
<<<<<<<<< ANIMAL RIGHTS >>>>>>>>
AS Long As There Are Slaughterhouses… Then There Shall Be Battelfields
Direct action of animals $1
The Final Nail
Destroying the fur industry, a guided tour $1
The Power is Ours
A manual for saving the earth and the animals $1
Spectacular Times: Animals
Specisism and the war on animals, solid $0.75
Happy, Caring, healthy and Sharing
A book for young green vegans $0.75
Dressed in Black
ALF, Animal Rights, Direct Action, Etc. $1