Items listed here are in small quantities, some only singular copies, call or email us before ordering to place an item on hold or to check availability.Quantity discounts can be arranged, also if your interested in an item, make an offer, we're not unreasonable.
Mondo 2000: A Users Guide
Many Contributers, retail $20, new, $10
Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artifical Life,
Techno-Erotic Paginism, Smart Drugs and more…
Zapatistas: Documents of the New Mexican State
Direct from the EZLN, retail $15, new, $8
Comuniques directly from the Mexican revolutionaries in Chiapas from Dec 93
- June 94
Sabotage In The American Workplace
Ed by Martin Sprouse, retail $12, new, $7
Anecdotes Of Dissatisfaction, Mischief and Revenge; Good stuff, stories from
pissed off workers…
The Way Of Zen
By Alan Watts, retail $9, new, $6
"The most explicit and orderly account of Zen Buddhism that has yet appeared
in English"
Sandinistas Speak
By Borge, Fonseca, Ortega and Wheelock, retail $6, new, $4
Speeches, writings and interviews with Nicaragua's revolutionaries
The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell
By Aldous Huxley, retail $11, new, $4
Two complete books; the first dealing with Huxleys experimental drug use and
the second dealving deep into human conscienceness
Twisted Image
By Ace Backwords, retail $12.95, newish, $5
"Unlike most underground cartoonists, your stuff is actually funny."
The Communist Manifesto
By Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, retail $4.99, New, Political Science, $2.50
The book that started it all, a classic read, can you spot the inheriant flaws
of communism?
Animal Farm
By George Orwell, retail $10, New, Fiction, $4
Orwell's classic critique of communist Russia, in pocket-size hardback
The Rise of Hatred and Violence in Germany
Freedom Publishing, retail ???, New, Politics/Current Affairs, $5
Fascism in Germany, then and now, published by Scientoligists but informative
nonetheless, also info on the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) another nefarious
bunch of kooks.
War After War: The New Corporate/Military Order, The Middle East and Insurgencies
on the Home Front
City Lights Books, retail $11.95, New, Politics/Current Affairs, $5
"A post-Desert Storm examination of the Middle East, Isreal/Palistine, and the
war at home - Militarism, Ecocatastrophe, State Terror, Abuses of Power, Media
Manipulation and Control."
Ideas and Information
by Arno Penzias, retail $8.95, New, Science/Business, $4
Info on computers, telecommunications, and future technologies, written by a
Nobel Prize-winning physicist yet easy to read
Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction
from the Bottom Up
by Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello, retail $14, New, Economic History and Relations,
"This book is much more than a critique of the new economic world order, it's
a practical guide for action… for those who want to think globally and act locally
on the economy, trade, and the enviornment."
Why I Am Not a Christian
by Bertrand Russell, retail $9.95, New, Philosophy, $6
"I am as firmly convinced that religions do harn as I am that they are untrue,"
-BR Nescessary reading for all Atheists and should be for all Xtions too…
Talking Power: The Politics of Language
by Robin Lakoff, retail $13, New, Linguistics/Communication, $4
"From courtroom to classroom, from summit talks to small talk: how what we say
- and how we say it - influences every aspect of our lives
Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do
by Helen Caldicot, retail $10.95, New, Current Affairs, $4
"As a physician, I contend that nuclear technology threatens life on our planet
with extinction. If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we
eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive
pollutants to pose a health hazard far greater than any plague humanity has
ever experiened.
See It Now Confronts McCarthyism: TV Documentary
and the Politics of Repression
by Thomas Rosteck, retail $25, New, History, $6
Dissection of cold war ideology, documentary rhetoric, and media politics.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
by Milan Kundera, retail $8.95, Used, Fiction, $3
Another amazing piece of fiction from the author of Immortality, check it out…
Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Demorcrcy
by Willam Greider, retail $13, New, Political Science/Economics, $5
"Part tough-minded reportage, part cleanly reasoned indictment and, from the
beginning to end, a clarion call to the American people to take back their government."
Telecommunications, Mass Media and Democracy: The Battle
for Control of US Brodcasting, 1928-1935
by Robert McChesney, retail $45, New, History/Radio, $7
"McChesney brillantly recaptures the unequal struggle between the domnant commercial
power and the public interest in the early days of broadcasting. It chalenges
the myth that the only way to provide radio (and TV) is the way it's done today."
Cyberpunk: The Roleplaying Game of the Future
????, Used, $4
If I had time to play RPGs this would be it
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
by Bruce Sterling, retail $23, Newish, Computers/Crime, $6
A fascinating evaluation of high-tech crime from a leading cyberpunk author…
Social Anarchism
by Giovanni Baldelli, retail $10+?, Used, Political Science, $4
The first real book I read on anarchism, superb, hardback too
Card Tricks: Bankers, Boomers and the Explosion of Plastic
by Ann Finlayson and Sandra Martin, retail $27.99, New, Economics, $5
Probing investigation into the credit card industry, a shadowy world in which
giant credit cartels and their member banks propel us towards the cashless society
they all crave.
The Last Days of Christ the Vampire
by JG Eccarius, retail $7, Used, Ficton, $3
Hillariusly blasphemous adventure where San Fransiscans battle Christ and his
evil vampire army.
Committing Journalism: The Prison Writings of Red Hog
by Dannie Martin, retail$13, New, Current Affairs, $6
Excellent collection of 50 essays of prison writing from inside the belly of
the beast. Amazing writing.
The Rodale Book of Composting: Easy Methods for Every
???, retail$23.95, New, Gardening, $10
Improving soil, recyleing kitchen and yard waste, growing healthier plants and
creating an earth safe garden
White House Email: The Top Secret Messages The Regan/Bush
White House Tried To Destroy
by Tom Blanton, retail $14.95, New, History, $6
"The Compute Equivalent of the Watergate Tapes" All the dirt that even Klinton
tried to hide, with disk
by The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, retail $5.95, Used, ???, $2
Vote for Cthulhu, Don't Settle for the Lesser Evil…
The Davidian Massacre: Disturbing Questions About Waco Which Must Be Answered
By Carol Moore, retail $9.99, New, Politics, $6
April 19, 1993, Waco Texas, 85 dead men, women and children, government lies
and media whitewash
Friendly Fire
By Bob Black, retail $14.95, New, ???, $5
"A rope stretched over the abyss between Friedich Nietzche and Sid Vicious"
Guerrilla Warfare
By Che Guevara, retail $12.95, New, Political Science, $8
"Those interested in the Latin American guerrilla experience will find this
well concieved and well organized book an indispensable addition to the literature"
Also includes "Guerilla Warfare: A Meathod" and "Message to the Tricontinental"
Act For Yourselves: Articles From "Freedom" 1886-1907
By Peter Kropotkin, retail $6, New, Political Science, $4
A score of articles from the classic anarchist which remain both interesting
and important after a century
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
By Peter Kropotkin, retail $10, New, Political Science, $6
"In the light of scientific investigation in the many fields upon which Mutual
Aid draws since it's publication, Kropotkin's data and discussion he bases on
them stand up reasonably well…"
Reinventing Anarchy Again
Ed by Howard J. Ehrlich, retail $19.99, Used (good shape), $10
Over 30 contributors; History and what anarchism is, The State, Toward an Anarchist
Society, Anarcho-Femminism, Work, Culture, Liberation, Tactics and more…
The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error
By FAIR, retail $6.95, New, Current Events, $4
A whole book full of Limbaugh's lies and misinformation, layed out simply: the
falicy and then the reality, makes him look really bad, you gotta see the shit
he tries to pass
Mein Kampf
By Adolf Hitler, retail (in 1943) $2.85, Used (good shape) , $3
A dream of violence that was abandoned for a far grimmer reality… With passages
lifted directly from Henry Ford's (with permission) autobiography
Road To Revolution: A Century of Russian Radicalism
By Avahm Yarmolinsky, retail in 1956) $1.50, Used, History, $2
A Revealing chronicle of the 19th century theorists and terrorists whose plots
and politics still echo in Russia today.
Awnser Me! #4
"This is hate literature. If you aren't filled with hatred, this book isn't
for you. It's not what your mother warned you about, because the old bitch could
never imagine anything so vile." Good coffee table book. (The Rape Issue.)
Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News - And Why
By Carl Jensen & Project Censored, retail $14.95, New, $8
25 stories that have been whitewashed; Ozone, Human Radiation Experiments, Pentagon,
60 billion lbs of wasted fish a year, Tuberculosis's return, The HAARP project
(a ultramagnetic death ray), and more…
Revolutionary Suicide
By Huey P. Newton, retail $14.95, New, $9
This fascinating autobiography chronicles Huey Newton's formation of the Black
Panthers and his life and creed as a revolutionary
Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the unmaking
of Civilization
By Christopher Manes, retail $18.95, New, $8
Earth First!, ecotage, tree sits, direct action, antireformism; Tracing the
movement from the failure of 70's to the Deep Ecology of today. By an associate
editor of the EF Journal…
Burning Down the House: MOVE and the Tragedy of Philadelphia
By John Anderson, retail $18.95, Used (good shape) $9
A book of raw power. It forces us to question society - our society - in which
our fellow citizens not only hated as vehemently and blindly as did the people
of MOVE, but also in which they reacted as stupidly and lethally as did the
mayor and policeman who bombed Osage Avenue
Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up
By timothy Good, retail $14, New, $8
"A valuable contribution to UFO literature and a fascinating read because it
is well written, carefully researched, and packed with amazing accounts of UFO
A Clockwork Orange
By Anthony Burgess, retail $7.95, New, Fiction, $4
So you've seen the movie, now read the book, complete with the controversial
last chapter often ommitted in US versions. "A terrifying and marvelous book."
- Roald Dahl
Reflections on the Revolution in France & The Rights of
By Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, retail $8.95, New, History, $4
Two classics from the French Revolution, one from a British statesman and the
other from a radical who was tried for treason and banished from England.
Escher on Escher: Exploring the Infinite
By M.C. Esher, retail $20, used (good condition), $4
Eshers autobiography along with 120 illustrations, also a series of lectures,
magazine articles, personal letters and speeches
Michael: A Novel
By Joseph Goebbels, retail $6.95, new, $3
Goebbles has always seemed to be the most interesting of the men around Hitler,
a devout Catholic, an admirer of the Russians, a flowery romantic, a more pure
Socialist turned nazi